How to write a good blog
Writing a good blog is always important for a writer to establish his work all the way. While formatting and planning its layout, it is equally important to convey the message as well. A good writer plans to present a well organized blog with minimum utility of words and thus capturing the attention of audience with workable descriptions. The people who are not well educated in presenting their ideology would not take this field as their profession because thousands of writers come forth and display their talent yet we find only few writers who furnish the intellectual needs of their audience. A good writer applies certain techniques and skills to convey the message and keep the interest of his audience intact all the way.
Some writers try to place images in their contents; however they should place their images near the top of the post on the left and aligns their introductory paragraph with the picture so that the body of the post would take up the full width of the post page.
Links are the important part of many blog posts and these links should be placed at the bottom just providing the readers an idea of what they will find if they click on the link.
The introduction of post would involve two to three sentences using the keywords from the title helping the SEO strategy and the body of the post should contain headings, bullet points and well organized paragraphs.
The closing paragraph should reiterate the main points of the post as well as a call of action for the readers. Creating an urge for the cause or an invitation will improve the quality. Keeping in touch with the comments can bring a good impression all the way.
The blog must have the attribution or copyright statement at the bottom of the page. Always a good writer should encourage the sharing and discourage stealing because keeping the principles in line confirms a positive attitude.
Each part of a blog is important and it directly plays a vital role with the message that has been conveyed in the content.
By Umar Saleh