Archive for the "Surgery" Category

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More about Plastic Surgery

As promised in my last article on plastic surgery that there is a lot to know on the subject to say and to write, I am here trying to capsulate all what was left. For having a recap; let me revise that plastic surgery is a correction done for the function or the form of […]

Plastic Surgery

When listening by your buddies at a gossip conversation or by a colleague sitting in office about what plastic surgery did miraculously with famous Film and TV stars; you must have wonder at what plastic surgery is in real and how did it brings the magic. This article stealthily is about to bring a deep […]

is Rhinoplasty good?

When an individual decides to pursue a particular medical treatment is always very proposes to weigh the pros and cons of every opportunity available to them. When a person looks at professionals, they are often the most traded component of each procedure in medicine. When it comes to an individual’s personal image and personal confidence, […]