As you know that Knowledge is POWER, and to be able to rid yourselves of ACNE there need to know what it is. Acne is a provocative and inflammatory skin condition. It is one of the most common skin problems. Almost everyone suffers from acne problems at any point in life. However, curing the acne requires the basic understanding of what type of acne you have. There are many types of acne, each one has different name and treatment plans also.

Most common types of acne are Acne conglobata, Adult Acne, Acne fulminans (this type of acne is Too Much Testosterone), Acne cosmetic, Acne mallorca, Acne detergens, Acne medicamentosa (Acne resulted in Drug Induction), Acne excoriée also known as Mirror Addict Acne, Acne mechanica and Acne keloidalis. Once your acne type is identified, it would be one step closer to remove the acne trigger and enjoy an acne free skin.

No one knows the causes of acne surly; however Acne lesions occurs at that time when sebum (or oil-producing structures) and dead skin cells block the pore opening process of skin. Acne lesions that are the result of oil-producing structures of skin are known as “pilosebaceous follicles”. When Oil secretion builds up under the blocked pores of skin, it provides a perfect environment to all skin bacteria called “Propionibacterium acnes” to multiply in an uncontrolled way.

There are many misconceptions and small medical knowledge about acne exists. Acne affects people regardless of race, age and gender. Research predicts that there are more than 80 % of people that suffer from acne at some point in their lives and 20% of all adults suffer with active acne. It also states that more than 85% of young adults (between ages 12 and 24) are suffering from acne and 25% have permanent scars.

Anyhow, with the help of proper treatment, acne can be dealt with successfully and effectively. It can be controlled before it becomes totally unsightly. So there is need to make a dynamic approach of study and application in order to make the effects of acne greatly reduces and in some cases overcome them entirely.

By  Ayesha  Saher


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