Rules of writing style.

Style means manner, and an author’s literary style is his exacting way of writing. Styles of writing may be forceful or weak, logical or unclear, rocky or smooth, plain or complex, short or delicate, light or heavy, interesting or dull. But every one who writes should desire to write well to form a good style. The young writer, especially should keep in mind these canons or rules of style.

First style should be personal, that is, it should be the writer’s own way of expressing his thoughts in words. As a wise man said that the style is the man himself.

One’s style in writing must express one’s meaning with crystal clearness. This is the basic rule or canon of style and it cannot be stressed too much. For the whole object of writing may be analyzed. Simplicity and honesty are its component parts. By simplicity is meant the use of simple words and simple sentence construction. By accuracy, the correct use of words in their exact meanings. By directness going straight to the point, that is saying just what one means in the shortest way possible. This is the opposite of circumlocution or confused round the point.

The third canon of style is correctness. A speaker will not talk to children as he would to adults, he will not treat a serious subject frivolously, nor a light subject with weighty gravity, he will not make jokes in a funeral speech, nor preach seriously at a wedding buffet. In the same way a writer should suit his style to his readers, to his subjects, and to the occasion. So one’s manner of writing should always be proper.

The forth principle is expressiveness. When you want to get a man to do you a service, or to convince him of some important piece of information, use all the arts of influence at your own command. If one’s wish people to read what he/she write, then they must write in a forceful, attractive and interesting way. Then they must write winningly.

 By Rehana khan(111/10)


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