Use of GIS application in power distribution


Power Distribution Companies (DISCOM) must constantly update their data consumption and the network on the web. Database users must be indexed and show relevant links to distribution transformer (DT), feeder and substation. All the important properties of a client (consumer ID code division service connection number, address, details meters, network details, contact information, etc.) must be listed in the database. are consumer network connection information is maintained in the database. Consumer database is the database on the network connection or active electrical loads assigned to define.

Gisis handy tool for keeping a database of consumers and electrical connectivity graph describes a digital map with a GUI interface. The entire grid can identify on a GIS base map or satellite image with enough resolution to be superimposed on to the network element. With GIS software, where a DT is selected, all lines will be connected to the DT LT and LT consumers connected the line that can be displayed. The software generates a graphical color map of the distribution network with zoom function, changing and scrolling.

Local GIS application development

It is important to stress that the survey door-to-door GPS helps not only in geo-reference and digital mapping of electrical loads on a GIS map, but also to the source is supplied from the power to identify. Every user is an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the category division, subdivision, substation and feeder loading and is ultimately connected to the consumer distribution transformer assigned. For the purposes of the GIS is the index of all available data to consumers and to classify the consumers on their electric single database.

This exercise also helps the distribution utility in detecting illicit connections Dummy (ledgerized not available) compounds or compounds that are present but not ledgerized. Sun GIS mapping and indexing of consumers actually helps to determine the position of the electrical connections on the ground.


Key features of the GIS application in the Power Utility

GIS application covers the entire range of utility operations. Some important functions of GIS application allows the utility asset management and monitoring, management and administration work, as listed below:

Asset Management

? Asset Mapping Specification

Operations Management

? System Management Interrupt

? Mobile Work Force Management

? Customer Information Management

? Single Line Diagrams

 Activity Management

? Network Design / Layout Plan

? Network installation / reconfiguration

? Estimated cost of preparing

? As-Built Field Updates

? Set the planning and forecasting

 Four-step process digitization

 The digitization of the electrical network assets, consumer indexing and mapping network is a four-stage process, as outlined below:
Consumer electrical and GPS survey survey network assets door to door to identify all consumers and their connection speak paration base map GIS services via satellite imageryDigitization the electrical network assets superimposed (33 kV, 11 kV pole feeder, STD and power) using differential GPS to determine geo-coordinates, with reasonable accuracy in building connectivity on its electric pole, DT, Feeder, SubstationMatching survey data with commercial benefit records ledgerized GIS mapping, consumer indexing and coding and active electrical power defined network, the collection and updating relationships for each consumer of DT, including some additional information. State of the counter, the type of load, sanctioned connection status, details of the phase, etc. compounds fictitious identification, ie, those that exist in non-physical registers, but existing interoperability and portability of data between GIS
 GIS applications in power distribution

 Availability accurate distribution network GIS map with geo-coordinates and the network configuration is an important prerequisite for the analysis, planning, optimization and load flow studies. With GIS application, all network assets may (HT / LT feeders, DTS, Polish), are indexed on a well-defined alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies each network element (Fig. 3). Coding is a structured model that the introduction of new components based allows the system. This encoding allows a fast classification and sorting network element on GIS map.

GIS application is GUI based and facilitates online consultation with a graphical representation of access points and displays particular network element and the corresponding data network display tool-tip. GIS application also shows the geographical location of all consumers whose electric connections and related technical parameters on the query.

If it works with Customer Information System (CIS) is integrated, it offers the consumer information on the race unique identifier – Consumer Index Number (CIN). CIN DT again identified, provides investors and consumers stations that stream. This information is useful in the energy audit, trouble call management, asset management, load management, network planning and analysis.


GIS offers a wide range of solutions for the entire value chain in the electricity distribution sector – from setting up distribution and load management to customer information, asset management, billing and customer service. However, interfaces between GIS and other software utility and defined.

GIS application needs for seamless integration with other business applications benefit. Data updation and ongoing monitoring is important in any GIS application. Thus for all GIS application, it is important to have controls to ensure in-built process control, audit and exception reporting capabilities, reliability and accuracy of the data.

 By Taha Mateen


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