Day of Trust shifts businesses and lives across Australia
SYDNEY author/ speaker Ari Galper is encouraging people to shift their business and personal lives in the lead up to the second annual International Day of Trust (IDoT) on May 3, 2011.
Known as Australia’s best authority on trust-based sales, Mr Galper said people could change their lives by building authenticity and trust.
“There is a way to improve your business with everything you do from acquiring new customers to taking care of current clients and to how you treat employees without having conflict,” Mr Galper said.
“The aim is to have less hidden agendas and more openness.”
Mr Galper created his unique Unlock The Game program 10 years ago in the US and moved to Sydney eight years ago to marry his Australian wife. They now have three children, one of whom (Toby) has Down Syndrome.
Seeing this as a ‘gift’ with a positive mindset, he wrote the book Lessons From Toby which includes 52 life lessons to keep people centred.
He also has a large range of training manuals, CDs and DVDs in Unlock The Game.
In 10 years, he has more than 50,000 subscribers and has sold more than 35,000 CDs and DVDs in 38 countries to SMES and corporates in broad industries ranging from business services to technology.
Mr Galper has developed an honest sales approach based on integrity and common sense.
“Somewhere along the way, it’s become acceptable to not tell the truth when people are selling,” he said.
“My mission is to help business owners, entrepreneurs and companies to improve their businesses without sacrificing their integrity along the way.
“My program challenges traditional sales thinking and helps people achieve better sales results.
“It’s the missing link – a new mindset and language that converts selling into a natural conversation between you and your prospect.”
The Unlock The Game mindset lets go of old pushy ways of selling and encourages people to diffuse pressure which creates trust. It teaches about getting to the truth by focusing on whether there’s a fit with prospective customers rather than focusing on the sale and about being a problem solver.
“Language, mindset and delivery are key components of the program,” he said.
“People start out using these tools in business and soon in other parts of their lives, which can shift relationships with family and friends as well.”
The IDoT is an initiative of Entente Foundation – dedicated to raising awareness around the world of the importance of trust, the role it plays in our day to day lives, at work, home, in our communities and in the world.
The theme for IDoT is: “Imagine a world built on trust…”
By Molly Mcgarity