Handbags variations attract the women’s.
First of all we will discuss about the beaded handbags, the beaded bags can make an immense accent piece to ladies outfits. In the markets they variety from small seed bead covered clutches to handbags, made of big beads, that are perhaps carryall, so the ladies can match their party outfits with a black beaded clutch or can try a large beaded clutch for day in shorts and flip flops at the party. Beaded handbags are very popular among South Asian women’s and especially in Pakistan and India.
Beaded handbags can be bought in super markets, purses and handbags shops and rarely in accessories stores. And sometimes we can find the beaded bags in different handicrafts exhibitions and fairs, where hand made items sold. And now many boutiques and designers sell their unique and elegant collection also online.
We know that it’s a season of party again; every body is busy arranging wedding parties, New Year parties, and various gatherings. At the similar time every woman is trying hard to pursue the most enormous and wonderful outfit for her parties and events because that is a chance to meet those associates or friends whom get together hardly once a year. So in this type of occasions and events the ladies can use the trendy, stylish leather bags and party style bags.
The last but not the least we will discuss about embroidery handbags. Embroidery is a special form of sewing, using different kind of needles and threads and mirrors. Embroidery can be completed by many ways. There are many forms of stitches from cross stitch, to free stitch and surface embroidery. Embroidery is a handicraft which is well known in Pakistan and India. Embroidery can be done on just anything; it can be on cushions, clothes, purses and on handbags too. Exquisite handbags have made amazing impression on women’s for years. It attracts not only the local ladies but also the foreigner ladies. They make unique yet beautiful gifts. Many handbags have been embroidered with various threads, mirrors and bead works making them definite fashion statement. Their designs contain Kutch, Aari, and floral just to name a few. These all embroidered handbags can easily finds in handbag stores and also in designer’s showrooms and in super mall markets. So the variation of handbags made the selection of handbags very simple and trouble free.
By Rehana Khan(111/10)