Advantages of adult education

Our country has now become free. But our freedom will have no meaning if ninety percent of our country-men remain victims of ignorance. Hence we must educate the ignorant masses.

It is not enough to educate the children; adult persons should also be educated, so that they can play their part well in the social and political progress of our country. Every adult person should be taught at least how to read and write. This will make him anxious to learn more. Then he will be interested in reading newspapers, good books, magazines etc. gradually he will think about him and about those around him.

In order to educate the adults, various institutions such as adult education society, society education committee, taleem-e-balighan schools, etc are established. Government has appointed literacy officers to spread literacy. These institutions carry on propaganda for adult education, and collect funds. For this purpose they celebrate adult education week or social education week every year. They also enlist volunteers for carrying out their activities.

With a view to educate the adults, night-classes are maintained by these institutions. The teachers are mostly honorary workers. The curriculum for their education is specially prepared to suit the needs of adults. Some books are specially got written for them. For those who are partially educated, higher classes are conducted by some institutions. There are also classes for the study of objects like politics, economics etc.

There are many advantages of adult education. It makes the masses literate, so that they can know what is right and what is wrong. It awakens the nation. It develops national culture. It leads to social and political progress of the country. It leads to the smooth working of democracy, because voters know who they should elect as their leaders. It makes people enlightened and makes them good citizens. Hence government should spend fund freely on this. It should be our aim to educate most of the adults within five years. Then and then our country will attain its full growth.

 By Rehana Khan(111/10)


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